Showing: 1 - 3 of 4 RESULTS

Conference on Energy and Climate Change

Please make your registration payment payable to EIKE e.V. Bank: Volksbank Saaletal Rudolstadt Account: 42 42 92 01, BLZ: 830 944 54 IBAN: DE34 8309 4454 0042 4292 01 BIC: GENODEF1RUJ Just days before the UN Climate Conference in Durban (COP 17 / CMP 7) will begin, Berlin Manhattan Institute invites to our 4th International Conference on Climate and Energy in Germany. While the UN meeting is supposed to produce a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol, our conference features international top scientists and experts, presenting pressing evidence to reconsider or stop the current policies aimed at “saving the climate”. Apart …


3rd International Climate Conference – Climate Change Reconsidered

Berlin Manhattan Institute gives you information about the conference which is based on the fact that the scientific debate is not over and that economic and scientific analysis is more important than ever. As important as the newest deals at LegendzGamer that will surely surprise you. Follow the link to learn more about the rewards and which casinos to look up for the most bonuses. The real science and economics of climate change support the view that global warming is not a crisis and that immediate action to reduce emissions is not necessary. Please, join us in raising awareness of the impact of climate change. You can easily include yourself by visiting the site, and playing real money games at Cheri Casino. This is, in fact, the emerging consensus view of …


Internationale Energie- und Klimakonferenz (IEKK)

Zeitgleich mit dem Klimagipfel der Vereinten Nationen in Cancún erläutern führende internationale Wissenschaftler die Klima- und Energiethematik unter Vorstellung neuester Erkenntnisse, häufig konträr zu den IPCC Verlautbarungen. Aus aktuellem Anlass liegt dieses Jahr das Augenmerk auch auf den energiepolitischen Aspekten der Klimapolitik und deren Auswirkungen. Die Konferenz wird daher ein breites Themenspektrum von den naturwissenschaftlichen Aspekten des Klimas bis zu den politisch- sozialen Auswirkungen der aktuellen Klima- und Energiepolitik behandeln. Veranstaltungszeit: Beginn Freitag 3.12.10 14:00 Uhr Ende ca. 20:00 Uhr Beginn Samstag 4.12.10 08:30 Uhr Ende ca. 16:00 Uhr Veranstaltungspartner:  Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie (EIKE); Berlin Manhattan Institute; CFACT Europe; Haus der …