Showing: 1 - 3 of 4 RESULTS

Conference on Energy and Climate Change

Please make your registration payment payable to EIKE e.V. Bank: Volksbank Saaletal Rudolstadt Account: 42 42 92 01, BLZ: 830 944 54 IBAN: DE34 8309 4454 0042 4292 01 BIC: GENODEF1RUJ Just days before the UN Climate Conference in Durban (COP 17 / CMP 7) will begin, Berlin Manhattan Institute invites to our 4th International Conference on Climate and Energy in Germany. While the UN meeting is supposed to produce a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol, our conference features international top scientists and experts, presenting pressing evidence to reconsider or stop the current policies aimed at “saving the climate”. Apart …


EU Politik

In drei Zügen Staatsbankrott EU-Politik Überschuldung, Geldillusion und Bankrott. Um diese Abfolge zu stoppen, braucht es unabhängige Notenbanken. Doch was ist,… Zweiter offener Brief an die Bundesregierung EU-Politik Der zweite offene Brief von Dr. Prof. Wilhelm Hankel an die Bundesregierung zur Verfassungswidrigkeit des so genannten… Der Staatsstreich von Brüssel EU-Politik Ein Drama in vier Akten Charles B. Blankart & Erik R. Fasten Deutschland und Frankreich wollen sich selbst entmachten EU-Politik Ein Kommentar zum deutsch-französischem EU-Wahnsinn  


70% Against an Ireland Bailout

Amidst the ongoing recession and speculation about the extent to which EU member states can or will help each other out, the Institute for Free Enterprise in Berlin, in collaboration with Open Europe, published a new poll which shows that 70% of Germans are against using public money to bail out other countries that have gotten into financial difficulties.  This is in spite of indications from the German government that it may be planning to offer financial help to some countries, particularly Ireland. Voters were asked: “In the course of the current economic and financial crisis, individual countries such as Ireland and Greece …